Thursday, January 25, 2007

I Love Ugly Betty

I really do. And it always surprises me these days when I find something on mainstream TV that isn't wretched. Who would have thought that lack of utter wretchedness was such a high-falutin' goal. But apparantly in network television, it is.

And speaking of that, I watched a marathon of "Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip" on the weekend. I remember watching the first episode when it originally aired and, although I love Aaron Sorkin and think "The West Wing" was probably the most cleverly written and impeccably casted TV shows ever, "Studio" left me cold. I didn't watch it again. Until this weekend's marathon ... and I really warmed up to it this time. Sorkin is brilliant at making his subject matter as good as you fervently wish it was in real life.

By that I mean, for instance, that I fervently wish that, much like "West Wing", the real president of the United States was intelligent, compassionate, well-educated, ethical and just an all-round admirable human being. And that all his advisors and staff were as well. Alas...

And on "Studio", we would hope that all TV show creaters, writers, producers, etc., were as committed to making great shows and as witty, smart and fantastic as those portrayed on the show. Alas ...

Today's southernism is really more of a baffling observation. When it first occured to me that I was moving to the Bible Belt, I thought that just meant there'd be lots of churches. But no. There's actually a TV channel called "Praise the Lord". And there are many, many times when I have to dive for the mute button while watching my morning CNN Headline News because some nauseating Bible ad threatens to make me lose my breakfast. Seriously. What the fuck?!

Anyhow, that's all I have time for tonight. Just wanted to get that off my chest. Bon soir and happy viewing.

1 comment:

sasskitty said...

Welcome to the blogosphere!!!
the kitty